
今天肚子餓,想說煮的小東西來解解饞,就煮了這東西 ~ 超好吃 ( 自豪ing ) …
而且又不必用到很多材料,只用到:吐司、奶粉或牛奶、砂糖、麵包粉、調味醬 ( 醬油膏或甜辣醬或番茄醬,我是用甜辣醬 ~ )
首先先把泡好的牛奶加砂糖 ( 看各人甜度,我是只加一些些而已 ) 攪拌好 ~
再把吐司撕成大約一口大小,放到調好甜度的牛奶中,再把浸過的吐司沾些麵包粉 ~
等吐司都沾完麵包粉後,開小火炸或煎,我建議是炸,因為煎的話很容易黏鍋 and 焦掉 …
然後就可以沾醬趁熱吃嚕 ~ 超好吃 …
外酥內軟,滿滿的牛奶香充斥著你的嘴巴 ~
呵呵呵 ~ 我用好後,吃過的都說讚 … 哈哈哈 !!
( 我還沒想到這道點心的名字,有想到不錯的再跟我說嚕 ~ )

About alwayscola18

*Always be misunderstood. *Majored in business administration, but contributing to satisfaction of primary living needs. *Prefer to speak out, and enjoy silence. *A Mandarin speaker, but not a grand-China nationalist; a Hokkien dialect speaker, but not an aggressive grass-root activist; an English reader, but not negative to my homeland; a baby Christian, but not a confrontationist to the God of earth. *With personalities of patience, cleverness, discernment, toleration, self-confidence, and friendliness.
本篇發表於 Food and drink。將永久鏈結加入書籤。
